Wednesday 22 Nov. [Actually November 21]

We had violent gusts of wind during the night. Quite calm until the small hours. Gale from ESE true until midday with thick drift.

Just shot the sun. Latitude 85°36'S’ A better result than I had expected. The climb that we have done has thus generally gone in a S’ly direction.

During the a.m. we skinned 10 doggies, carved them and served them. It seemed that they tasted excellent to the survivors. We human beings did not scorn the beasts either. We have had the most delicate doggy-cutlets for dinner. I myself ate five, but then had to stop because no more remained. My companions undoubtedly found the dish appetising as well. Afterwards, we treated ourselves to an extra dish in the form of pudding made of biscuit crumbs – our favourite dish.

We also had time to do some small jobs before the gale arrived. Fourteen unskinned doggies remain here in the depot. In addition, we leave everything superfluous. We leave here with three sledges and supplies for people for 60 days. We will use 18 dogs in three teams to the Pole. From the Pole, 12 dogs in two teams. Hassel’s sledge will be left here.

We have all tallied our stores today and everyone knows exactly what he has on his sledge. We still have ca. 54 litres of paraffin left.

This transcript comes from “Race for the South Pole - The Expedition Diaries of Scott and Amundsen” by Roland Huntford. It appears by courtesy of the author and The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.
