Arctic Peace Symposium 2011

Peace and Refugee Issues in the Tides of Nansen

Centre for Peace Studies proudly invite all to Arctic Peace Symposium 2011, which focuses on peace and refugee issues.


12.00 Words of welcome by Randi Rønning Balsvik, CPS Executive Board

12.15-12.45 «Fridtjof Nansen - the Humanitarian», Carl Emil Vogt

12.45-13.15  «The History of the Nansen Passport - Refugee Issues and Solutions in the times of Nansen», Carl Emil Vogt

13.15-14.00 Discussion

14.00-14.15 Break - Coffe/tea

14.15-15.00 «Stateless /paperless refugees in our times», Jon Ole  Martinsen, adviser, Office for Self-help for Immigrants and Refugees in Oslo.

15.00-15.45 Discussion

15.45 Concluding remarks

The lecturers: 

Carl Emil Vogt - Nansen Biographer, PhD in history/ University of Oslo, Guest researcher at the Norwegian Nobel Institute
Jon Ole  Martinsen, adviser, Office for Self-help for Immigrants and Refugees in Oslo.